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Nail Technician Schools in Charlotte, NC

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The city of Charlotte, NC is famous for its financial services industry. It is reckoned as a major financial centre in the United States, second only to New York. Charlotte had a population of 731,424 in 2010 as per the census reports, making it the largest city in the state of North Carolina. With its high income levels, the population is largely upmarket and there is a good demand for goods and services that contribute to a fine living. The beauty industry finds it an attractive market. There is a good demand for cosmetology and related services like manicuring.

What are the licensure requirements?

The licensing agency for all cosmetology related services in the state is the North Carolina Board of Cosmetic Art Examiners. Its primary job is to protect the interests of the consumers and as such it has elaborate rules and regulations in place for practising all cosmetology related services, nail technician included.

The licensure requirements for manicurists (nail technicians) as set out by the Board are as follows:

nail tech schools charlotte, nc

Nail Technician

  • A 300 hour (minimum) training in an approved cosmetic arts school with a 75% score.
  • Forty hours of live model performance that should include 15 manicures, 100 applications or repair of sculptured or other artificial nails and 4 pedicures. Further the Board stipulates that these performances should have been performed only after completing sixteen hours of classroom work.

The nail technician license is issued for one year and falls due for renewal after this period. The agency has set further higher standards for license renewal by insisting that to be eligible for renewal the nail technician should have undergone at least eight hours of continuing education training in the preceding year. Of this at least four hours should compulsorily be completed by physically attending classes while the rest can be done online.

Nail Technician Schools in Charlotte, NC

Training facilities in nail technology are limited within the city of Charlotte. This despite the fact that it is the largest and most prosperous city in NC. There is in fact only one approved school offering pure nail technician programs in Charlotte. It is the Academy of Nails and Esthetics (earlier known as the Academy of Nail Technology), located at 415-A, Minuet Lane. Outside of Charlotte, however, there are several schools offering approved nail technician training.
Academy of Nails and Esthetics offers training programs in, as the name suggests, both nail technology and esthetics.  It is a private school. The school has a nail salon where students are given practical training. Classes begin each week and are held during the mornings and evenings on all days except Sundays. On completion of (the Board-stipulated minimum) 300 hours of training, the students receive an Associate Degree in nail technology.

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