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Nail Technician Schools in New Jersey

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Find out about nail technician schools in New Jersey.

As part of our state-wise series, we now look at New Jersey and the nail technician schools there. Those considering a career in nail technology in this prominent state of the United States, will find some useful information in this. We look at the state’s personal care services industry with special reference to nail technology and what the future holds for this occupation. We subsequently look at the licensure requirements for nail technicians in New Jersey. Finally, we look at all the nail technician schools in New Jersey.


The state of New Jersey, lying between the expansive metropolitan areas of New York and Philadelphia. The 2010 census put New Jersey’s total population at 8,791,894 making it the eleventh most populous state in the United States. And this translated to a population density of 1,185/sq mile, making it the most densely populated state in the country. Whites made up 68.6% of the population, African Americans 13.7%, Asians 8.3% and others the rest. Though Newark is the fourth poorest city in the US, the state as a whole has the second highest median household income in the country courtesy that much of New Jersey comprises affluent suburbs of New York City and Philadelphia.

The city’s general affluence, proximity to New York, one of the fashion centers of the world and its cultural diversity make for a good market for personal care services. As an indication, the city had 17,450 hairdressers/hairstylists/cosmetologists, 4240 nail technicians, 1,430 shampooers and 480 skincare specialists according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics report of May 2010. The market for personal care services in the state is expected to grow at a rate higher than the national average in the medium term. A career as nail technician in New Jersey, therefore has the potential to be a rewarding one.

Nail technician license in New Jersey

For practising as a nail technician, a manicurist license is required from the Board of Cosmetology and Hairstyling in the first instance. As per the licensing requirements set out by the Board you must:

  1. Be at least 17 years of age.
  2. Have a minimum education of high school or equivalent.
  3. Provide proof of successful completion of 300 hours of instruction in nail technology at one of the licensed nail technician schools in New Jersey. Those trained in another state or a foreign country are also eligible for license if, such training is, in the opinion of the Board, substantially similar to that offered at approved nail technician schools within New Jersey.

The license is issued for one year after which it should be renewed. For additional information, contact:

Board of Cosmetology and Hairstyling
PO Box 45003
Newark, New Jersey 07101
Phone: (973) 504-6400

Nail technician schools in New Jersey

The training hours required for applying for nail technician license in New Jersey is a rather modest 300 hours. Most of the nail technician schools in the state offer programs that last six to eight months on full-time basis. Flexible schedules and part-time and evening classes are also offered by many schools to help students complete the program at their own pace. It is important for students to enroll in an approved program as this is a pre-requisite for applying for the state license.

Here is the full list of approved nail technician schools in New Jersey at the time of preparing this note.

Accredited Nail Technician Schools in New Jersey

Nail Technician Schools in New Jersey

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