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Nail Technician Schools in Cleveland

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In this article on states, we look at nail technician schools in Cleveland. Cleveland in northeastern Ohio is located at the head of several canals and railroad lines. Historically, it was a major center of manufacturing. However, with the decline of heavy manufacturing, the economy of the region has become more broad-based with growth in the financial, health-care, insurance and legal sectors. As per the Census 2010 reports, Cleveland had a population of 396,815 a decline of 17% over the previous census in 2000 (478,403). From the third most populous city in the US in 2000, Cleveland has declined to the 43rd position by 2010. From the perspective of any economic activity a declining market is not a great sign and cosmetology services (nail technician included) is no exception.

Nail Technician License in Cleveland

To practice as a nail technician in Cleveland, you have to obtain a manicurist license from the Ohio State Board of Cosmetology. The license is issued after conducting an examination to assess the suitability of the candidate to perform various nail services. This comprises both written and practical tests. To apply for a license you have to have undergone an approved training program in nail technology of at least 200 hours duration.

Reciprocity arrangements do exist with several states which means if you have a valid license from one of these states, you are exempt from appearing for the licensing examination and all you need to do is pay the prescribed fee. The license is issued for up to two years after which you need to apply for renewal. The basic condition for renewal is that the applicant should have completed eight hours of continuing education during this period.

Nail Technician Schools in Cleveland

Nail Technician Schools in Cleveland OH

Cleveland, Ohio - Map

Perhaps reflecting the shrinking population of the city, schools offering training in beauty (not just nail technology, but others as well) are not too many in Cleveland. The situation is no different as far as nail technician schools are concerned. There are no approved nail technician schools within the city limits. However, you could find several nail technician schools in places like Columbus, Heath, Toledo, Alliance, Autsintown, Boardman, Burnswick, Niles, Oregon, Tiffin, Perrysburg etc. If you are interested in pursuing a career as nail technician in Ohio, you can go to one of these locations for training. You can see our post on Nail Technician Schools in Ohio, to know about schools in other locations of the state.


As we saw , there are few nail technician schools in Cleveland, OH, which is perhaps a reflection of the city’s subdued potential for beauty related services. However, several cosmetology and nail technician schools do exist in other locations of the state of Ohio. These typically offer a 200 hour nail technician program in conformity with the State Board’s requirement.

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